You may have notice that my blogs are more sporadic than in times past. Such is life. My health has been also. As has my former job. I am now "officially", though possibly not legally excessed and my job as an electronics tech at the USPS is gone. Of course, I have had no real job there for several months now as Alexandria is no longer an active processing site. Still the day goes by and I serve as an acting maintenance manager/maintenance clerk/ whatever it takes to get the job done. At least, for now, though this may change soon. I just don't know and as I have no experience job hunting I am clueless about what to do next. (I have had only 2 jobs my whole adult life, USN 22 yrs and USPS 18 yrs this July). I am just really glad I am not a politician.
Bon-Doggie is watching you......