
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Veteran's Day has come and gone. So have many wars. Men, women, and children have lived and died in them but here in this country we have a day set aside for those that serve and another day especially for those who died in that service called Memorial Day. Of my father's brothers, the only one I know of who was wounded in World War II was Uncle Jody. Daddy had his experience in the north Pacific but lived to tell the tale. For me, I experienced nothing but peacetime service but several cousins fought in Viet Nam suffering injury both physical and mental. The next generation (my son) is currently serving in the Army and in his short time he has experienced much of war in foreign lands.  War has never been a good solution, but there is little choice many times because it only takes one to wage war but all to have peace. This is something history has proven to us many times, yet we still forget. Thus is the doom of all countries and the world. We will repeat the cycles of history till Christ returns never having done better than our furthest ancestors. Yet the opportunity for each of us as individuals to do what is right is still there. We can still follow in the footsteps of Enoch or better yet, Jesus. If we all choose to walk the path of the Messiah one step at a time maybe there is yet hope for more than a faithful remnant. Serve God above self and see where it leads you. The path is more than enlightened, it is fully revealed in the end.

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