
Monday, May 25, 2020

The race is on and ......

Well whattayaknow. 
The 4th is still on. 
Remember, in this divisive times, 
we are family. 

Before you read the rest of this be warned: my mind has a tendency to get lost in thought. Also I try to use my "big-boy" words even when what I feel like saying is definitely more "Navy" in character. 

The political pundits are punting full time now so there will be division in all of the country. I have to say that I haven't seen a democrat in the news that I felt I could support since Lindy Boggs, nor a republican that I could trust either. 

These are mistakes that continually recur so let me call them to your attention. Politicians continually demean and devalue the role the military plays in this countries existence. Yes, it is vital and if you look at our history, the Navy/Marine Corp has suffered since the Revolution as has the Army.  At the end of every period of conflict, a time of devaluing and abandonment by those elected to congress. And Congress failed to grasp the need for a worldwide presence ( only one fully operational warship) which lead to the war of 1812 and the Navy suffered because it had inadequate vessels and insufficient personnel. The war with Mexico revealed again that same mindset as did the (not very) Civil War. Again and again: Spanish war, WW1, WW2, Korean, Viet Nam always the same. National security cost" too much", so the funding gets cut and the nation pays in blood for the shortsightedness of our "leaders". This has yet to improve over the last 3 mid-east and afghan wars that continue. 

I know there are people in this country who can see past their noses, most of whom do not desire to get involved at the trough of WDC. Therein lies our greatest issues. People who seek power very seldom seek it for the benefit of all. Usually their own agenda is their primary concern. This is why we have so many lingering issues in the country. Division of the masses leads to easier control of the segments and that is the objective of so many of the politicians we have for consideration in the upcoming elections. I foresee anarchy and then I see the fragmentation of America into a collection of 4th world countries and I do see the very strong possibility of it happening before I reach 90.

Some people think I have something against lawyers because I don't want to see any of them get elected to congress. For the most part that is the way I feel.  But that doesn't mean I feel ALL lawyers are evil bags of bovine byproduct. I know several, true that most are kin, are upstanding citizens and really good people. But there are quite a few that make me feel like I need to take a shower with Dawn dishsoap if I so much as see them on tv. I think lawyer ads should go the same way of cigarette commercials. (most of the time)  

What I feel is the need for those who represent us to actually have an idea of the average person's life. The life of the physical laborer is nothing like the life of an office worker because there is a distinction of mindset that comes into play. The things that are valued are sometimes shared but there are differences of valuing as well. Working out in the weather is something I can relate to, as many years of Naval service and a couple of years carrying mail taught me. The life of a farmer is not the life of the corporate CEO. Of the two I value the farmer more simply because he is providing food (in many cases) and when anarchy comes food is a very good thing. Someone who works inside all the time and whose work is a paper/communication kind of thing cannot really understand what life is like for someone who chops cotton or detassles corn (neither of which I see any more.) 

One reason I have never sought office is my mind wanders down many trails of thought often getting lost in that netherworld of randomness called daydreaming. Also my tolerance for stupid would not let me be in the same room with many of our current "leadership" in the house and senate and the white house. Seems to me the tail is wagging the dog most of the time nowadays.  All the media is interested in presenting is a bunch of childish bullies yelling at each other or occasionally maybe a worldwide disaster. (That is, if they can blame someone for it.)

As far as term limits go, yeah, I am for limiting everyone elected to two terms, even the few competent one. We do not need empire builders. We do not need to limit ourselves to two parties. What we need now is to flush the  washington toilet out and clean it thoroughly. Then we send some teachers, nurses, ups drivers, small business people, and other people who normally work for a living to represent us. Those who represent us should go back to receiving a per diem pay and no salary. As far as health care goes, buy your own, bring your own, or apply for medicaid (only valid while in office). Each position (senator/representative) should have one permanently assigned secretary and all "lobbyist" should be banned from the city limits. Far to many people have become filthy rich preying on the government and the people bleeding us dry when they should have been trying to balance the budget. 

As for the current state of the country I blame Trump, Obama,Clinton and Bush2 for the majority of our issues. Oh yeah, and also the House and Senate for the last few decades as well. The constitution I affirmed to defend includes enemies within as well as outside of the country and I am on the verge of calling for a confrontation of all defenders to read and heed that document and hold these (apologies to the avian community) vultures accountable.

As of the moment I see no one for whom I want to vote for, but Trump does seem the more likely to make progress away from socialism. For those who wish to have that type of government I recommend you consider moving to Australia/New Zealand, Canada, England in that order. Otherwise pick anywhere else that doesn't have a totalitarian dictator and good luck to ya. 


Tuesday, May 05, 2020

And the race is on and here comes pride up the back stretch

Pride indeed.
Goes before a fall.
Makes others question your priorities
Hidie Hole for your failings.
The MOST used mask in the country.
Guaranteed to give you a headache.

Am I prideful? I guess I am about some things, not so much others. And some things I seldom think about. Appearance; If I am dressed in clean clothes and exposing nothing that would get me arrested, I'm good. I can dress up some but it isn't all that critical to me. I have been comfortable talking to the rich and powerful and if they look down on me or view me as something less, it is their loss, not mine. Now I'm not gonna lie, clothes can make the man and I have known some people who would rather be caught dead than be caught in shabby or dirty clothes. Some of them from vanity and some of them from upbringing. And everyone should accept that their appearance is the choice they make to be presented to the world and if shabby chic is your choice, you have no right to expect acceptance from any other style of dress as you meet people. Grunge and goth do not fit in the crowd of jeans and t shirt nor the Armani crowd. Tuxedos, forget it. The only reason I would wear one would be for a special occasion for someone whom I feel is very important to me. Otherwise the best you can expect is a JC Penny suit. And that is becoming more and more a rare situation. But enough of me.

We haven't had a truly "in touch with nature " president since Teddy. Nor are we likely to have one anytime soon and that is a shame. Right now our "global warming" and our 'no it ain't" sides are positioning themselves around money and I do not detect any REAL concern for the planet. Just prideful cocks strutting around the hen house. Your current "progressive" energy ideas, windmills and solar farms both use lubricants from "big oil" and both slaughter birds daily. Wind turbine blades whack them out of the air and concentrating solar radiation burns them to death. How is this conscionable? We have become a nation of witless wonders. Science as a whole fails to ask the correct questions over and over. It is not can we do this, the real question is SHOULD we do this. This also applies to economics, engineering, and governing. With every decision it should be a given to determine what the cost is and how shall it be paid. If it is a bad proposition, stop it now. Our current state and national "leadership" is no better or worse than the last, just different.   

Well, after two or three power outages and a failed save I guess I'll redo the "I ran out of thoughts on this and am still blank" ending I tried to post.

Prepare now because there is only 23 more shopping years till anarchy erupts full force. The odds are 6 to 5 on it beating Yellowstone.