
Monday, July 05, 2010


Why? That's my question. RealJukebox 2 came out and it was fully functional and did everything I needed. So they "improved" it into RealPlayer 1 and I haven't used them since. Every time something is adequate to the task, some dummy feels the need to "improve" things.

Government is the same. Once it was set up right, now it is "improved". Soon we will be "improved" into governmental servitude. For those who cannot see, governmental slavery is still slavery. Slavery is dependence and what else can you call it when the government wants you to depend on them alone for all your needs. Some may call it social networking, socialism, National Socialist, doesn't really matter. Governmental control is the ultimate objective and it is the pathway to total devesation and destruction

The path to true enlightenment does not lie along a path of self determination as so many seem to think. Self determination still relies on personal perception, analysis, realization, choice and understanding. Unfortunately we are not capable of comprehending the true nature of the universe or even ourselves. Consequently our analysis is flawed, as is our perception and our reason. True enlightenment requires that we understand that we don't understand everything and we cannot perceive everything and that we are not the true creator of anything. Only the true Creator can. Follow Jesus truly.

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