
Monday, April 11, 2016

Well now. 18%, or was it 13%? Way to go people. This is why this country is dead and doesn't know it. Less than 20% of the people making the decision for everyone. You vote (maybe) when it is something blasted by the media but when it is more important you stay home. Well, now you gonna die, figuratively I hope. Your wallet is destined to suffer the slings and arrows of a government that thinks most highly of itself, demanding more (10.5%) than many say the Creator calls us to give. Those pushing to liberalize this government are trying to model us after the socialism of Europe. Now why, then, are the only ones who migrate to there are the radical pigs of the false prophet who seek world domination. And those who feel the pressure are STILL seeking the "American" dream of freedom, that will no longer be here.

I don't feel or think or really even wish that this is the "perfect" country. Nor do I believe that this country can be truly great again. Sin is too prevalent and the laws of motion are still not revoked by the Creator, so even social momentum is a real thing and that momentum is bent on going until it reaches the Immovable Object. Of course it will fail then and rebound. I fear it will be too late. Life will go on, I have no doubt. There will be those astounded that they can truly live and others that will continue to exist, but not the way they would desire.

But for the time being, we are faced with a choice in presidential wannabees of which NONE get an "adequate" rating from Possum Hollow, only a couple get a "tolerable if there is nothing else to vote for and Mickey won't run" category, and several in the "we are doomed" column. We should also title the ballots. My suggestion would be, and I quote: "You Have GOT To Be Kidding Me". I am not sure if we can even find a descent, really honest person who would be willing to endure the torture that media would inflict. I don't think I would want to put anyone in that position. Even an enemy.

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