So many things continue to change, yet mankind doesn't. I don't think of myself as a racist because I reject the term as a classification. It is the most inflammatory label one can assign, and being what the world calls a white boy, most of the world would slap that label on me faster than a stamp on a "guaranteed prize winning" envelope. Do I believe people of color are inherently below, above, or even with me? I don't believe people of color exist. I leave it at just people. I value or disregard people by how the act and what they do. If you don't want to be "judged" by me, then stay away from me completely. I assess threat, benefit, commonality and a myriad of other quantification factors. I know people of similar ancestral background that I have confidence, trust and generally likeable. I know others of that same grouping of people that I wish to have absolutely no contact with them at all. I find the same thing true of various groups of people. I know of kinfolk that fall into all major groupings and many of the sub-groupings. Yes, I have kinfolk that are black, white, red, yellow and mixtures of all of the above. A person's value is determined by what they say and especially what they do, how they treat others. There is no place on this earth where it is ok to mistreat women, children, or men, religiously or politically. No group of laws that has ever been assembled have been better for mankind than those ten Moses (Musa, and many other ways of putting his name) brought down written in stone. We cannot improve on them, only dilute them to our detriment.
What does love mean? Learn from the best. Learn how to love truly. The truest and greatest love is the Love that desires that which is best for the loved one. Not the blindly give what they ask for, but give what is truly needed for true happiness. That simple and that complicated. Read the instruction book. It tells you the truth.
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