
Friday, January 31, 2025

Friday doinz

 Started again on a historical (sometimes hysterical) document of the navy days. Do ok for a bit then get the shivers. 

I am not a fan of below 60 temps. At the poles fine, go below -60 if you want to, but not where I am, thank you.

Big fan of the northern lights, yes but not of the temps where you see them. In Iceland all of them I saw were in the purple ranges, no green or yellow. Go fig.

I never really was concerned with sharks in the ocean. I don't think I'm all that tasty.

I quit flying. I no longer have the patience to deal with the bureaucracy. Safest way to fly is mentally.

I believe. Not the government (ever), Jesus, yes.

Will AI take over the world, I think not. Not till it can eliminate humans. Oh, wait. Already in progress..

Don't Forget!

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Wednesday, Wednesday

 Nope. Monday still works better....

Now that the madness of "elections" is past (for a couple of weeks anyway) how about we start holding politicians accountable for their actions. Not their moral actions as for the past groups ( After Bush 1 and especially Billy Bob and since ) as we have ignored the moral deficit displayed by all of them. But how about for the cost of existence. We have become a nation of governmental slaves instead of the government serving. The "middle class" supporting the rich and the poor. Farms are more and more going corporate and concerning themselves only with profit (shocker) while family farms continue to decline and are being forced to accept government controlled payments just to get by. Genetically modified crops, cows and poultry are the sources of food sold to us by the mega-stores and I gotta tell you, the end result of this setup isn't pretty. Start now as cost are only going to rise and the dollar is going to dilute. I would recommend getting a few bows and lots of arrows as the skills required to make you own will have to be relearned. They are much less noisy than guns and much easier on the meat. Also you will need to learn how to trust and be trusted. These skills are lost among most of society and will not survive extended anarchy. 

The only thing I see as surviving the collapse of this nation (and others) is The Word. The reason I say that is because the history of the world is has survived the fall of every empire since the time of the Messiah, no matter how evil the times were. It is evident that the rise and fall of nations is as the passing of wind by the world. Religions come and go but the Word endures. Islam, if you really look at the history, shows how it will tear itself apart in the same manner as has happened with Christianity.  Shiite has no tolerance for any flavor. I see the same amongst the groups who call themselves followers of Christ. Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox have little to do with each other. Northern and southern Baptist, England and Rome (since the pope said no to H8) separated over authority. Yet the Word lives on. Mankind has proven over and over again that we are doomed. The only way the world will unite is in evil (predicted in the written Word) and it will be called "good" (also predicted). The vision that Roddenberry looked for in Star Trek cannot be until ALL of mankind accepts responsibility for their actions. That means every person individually accepts responsibility for each and every action they take, whether good or bad or neutral. Doable? Nyet. Nein. Nope. Not in this generation, the next generation, or the generations after that. 

I have no hope for the world as a whole, but for those who study the Word, those who heed and apply the Word, those who do as the Word teaches, hope still lingers.

I believe in only one race, Human. I believe in one way, Jesus. I believe that in Jesus is the only way we have hope. I believe the entryway to the path of true peace is not closed as yet, but someday soon it will be closed. My intention is to be at the end of that pathway when that entryway is closed. I also invite you (as in everyone) to join me on the pathway. If you don't want to, your choice. I still love you but, like the Creator, I'll let you choose your own way. I wish you all peace, wisdom and joy.




Wednesday, October 30, 2024

It's an Oktober morgen.

 I have exceeded my allotted time on earth and still haven't figured out my calling. I wonder if this is why? Only two days from Novebre and eye kant help but wonder why no frost?? Guess it's time to pick the tabascos peppers and palant some turnups.



Yes, I did.

Tried to post a playlist but I haven't figured that out yet.


Much love to all.

Jesus Rulez

Yes, you can consider me a Jesus Freak.

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Bye the by

 Yes, that was Bob Marley's song "Three Little Birds".