
Friday, March 06, 2009

Exestentialiism misspelt

Irrelevance of title: yes it is.

Which is the genius, Pinky or the Brain? We all have our thoughts on it. Most people fail to realize that "genius" is a situationally relevant term. The savant that can do math but can't tie his shoes is useless if you are trapped on an island and need to trap game isn't he? The greatest testing genius of our time might be a whiz at chess, but could he feed himself unattended? I am a genius. I know it. But that doesn't make me capable of solving the world's problems. (Actually the solution is obvious to me, but the world hasn't wanted to listen for two millenium so I guess they aren't going to change now.) I know my capabilities have not been fully explored, nor do I wish to at the moment. My sinuses hurt.

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