
Thursday, June 28, 2012

I think it is time to begin the revolution. Government is not getting out of hand, it is out of hand.  What say we all get together next election and not vote for anyone who supported this latest government intrusion into our wallet. I'm talking to you who are in the middle class with me. 

You know the rich don't really care about us and the intentionally poor want more money. And the politicians try to curry favor with both ends at the expense of the middle. Deception and fear are the greatest tools of socialism, communism, and many other isms. It is the tool of politicians in this state and country and it is time for the few Americans remaining to step up and  say "NO" to new useless laws and a "high" (I think they must have been) court that has chosen to disregard what my forefathers wrote.

It's not an earthquake. Thomas Payne and many others are spinning now, shaking the ground from Canada to Mexico. 

I still believe 2043 is the last year of this country, but the math is getting pushed.

As someone around Uncle Ben's time said, "Keep yur powder dry boys!"

1 comment:

GB Hoyt said...

So you don't agree with the supreme court, that this mandate places a tax on people who don't have government approved disease management insurance?