
Thursday, December 03, 2009

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is coming. It is December 24th. So when we have our annual Christmas Eve Communion Service, It will take place on the 24th. Yes, I am poking fun at you. At me too.

Just so ya'll will know, it will be at 6PM and anyone who wishes to come will be welcome, even if his name is Obama. Or Bush, or even if it is Jimmy and his brother. (No Billy Beer though. It is church.) The service is usually about a half hour with some singing, a short message/meditation, Communion and a candlelight Prayer circle. There are usually about 50 people present. Sometimes more and sometimes less. The more people that sing though, the better it sounds. And you don't have to be good either. Just look at me. I won't say just listen to me because you might leave. I am not trained in the art of singing. Something about talent being useful.

If anybody bumps into the governor, tell him also. We generally allow anyone in (unarmed that is.)

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