Sunday, December 31, 2006
Where has all the energy gone.
Watch your children play. Play while you can. Producing joy in your life and the life of the child is a reflection of the joy you get from God. Always treat it as the special gift it is.
Another Saturday Night
Oh well, pays the bills.
Except the "Non" taxes that the utility companies call by other names. Still, as Billy said, a rose is a rose is a rose no matter what you call it. The thorns are going to get you. Count on it and keep the antibiotic handy. An "adjustment" is not an adjustment when the price of usage is 50 bucks and it gets adjusted by 200. That child is a hidden theft/tax. And they get away with it due to the lawyers. I think we should prohibit lawyers from entering any government office. Make English teachers write the laws. At least then we could check to see if they spelled it correctly and they aren't likely to be confused by participles, dangling or not. I think I like the flat limited tax idea too. everything in the country that you buy taxed at 5%. (ONLY) no increases. Then everyone would have to pay. As the rich buy more expensive stuff, they will pay more. The poor on the other hand can't afford much so they will buy less and pay less in taxes. Should make everyone happy, no? (Except for the freeloaders who need to study the Jamestown thing. Would still work you know.)
Anarchy is coming.
Be prepared.......
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Turn Left at Alberquerque
Talk about needing a life........
Vote for common sense. Not much out there, but we need all we can find.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Reality isn't what you think it is, but what is it?
Reality simply is. It isn't a show.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
It's a cold world out there
Don't tell me the dog doesn't bite. Tell me it's name.
Peace ya'll
(If you haven't listened to it lately, get the Iron Butterfly album Ina Gadda Da Vida)
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Saturday Afternoon

Working in the quilt house. no quilts in sight. Remember the olde 486's and 386's (before DX came out)?? You had to add a math co-processor to handle the harder math stuff. Floating point decimals, etc. When I say "the math sez" that is what I refer to. Mathmatics done in the sub-conscience, which is capable of trillions of instantanious calculations and compilations of data of intricacies the conscient mind can barely comprehend. 2043 = start of anarchy. The date is not fixed in stone as the mathmatics can be fluid and if the country's dynamics change, the math will change also. In the past 2 decades there have been at least three major date shifts with variences as early as 2025 and as late as 2063. The formula is really simple from a historical point of view. Forget God = disaster. (See history of Israel.)
What it boils down to is how fast will America forget it's founding father's guidelines for the new country? Add 8 to 10 years (depending on drug use escalation and hedonistic behaviors) and your recepie for destruction is set.
Like the politicians say: Trust me>
yeah, like I'll ever trust people like Billy Bob.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
beta blogging
Why can't companies invent something that doesn't need to change and why change things that work just fine?
gotta wonder
beta blogging
Why can't companies invent something that doesn't need to change and why change things that work just fine?
gotta wonder
Monday, November 06, 2006
Think God
The math says 2043........................
Will anarchy come?
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Sunny and Mild
Ya'll have a fun day now, you hear??
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Neat trips don't have to be expensive, (but it helps to have cash)
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Portability, not potability
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Holey Walk
Words of wisdom from someone who knew:
Wars will continue. (Learn the lesson of England before Churchill)
The poor will always be here. (Till the final day.)
You can't win if you don't know the game (and if you know the game, play by the rules.)
Friday, September 29, 2006
It got cold
Oh well. The whole secret to world peace. There are only two ways for the world to know peace. One is to listen to the Creator. Do it His way. The other is to remove all forms of life (especially humanoid and alien) from the planet. First option is the best. No allah, no bhuda, no jones, none of the pretenders (not the group from the 50's but those who claim greatness without justification). Whether you speak of Mo (or Larry or Curley, or Shep) or any other pretender to the throne, Jesus still sits on it and always will. Remeber that. You can't force any religeon on anyone, not Christianity, islam, ishtar, molech or any type of religeon and have it last. The Creator
gave us freedom to choose to do things the right way or the wrong way. Humanity as a whole consitantly chooses incorrectly with only a remnant paying attention to the Creator's will. Not perfectly, mind you, but with obedience and desire to find the correct path to heaven.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Another saturday night
Did you know that the lead guitarist for Iron Butterfly died the same year as June Carter Cash and Johnny Cash? Amazing details of life. It was an exceptionally hard year on entertainment.
Do these names ring any bells for those out there who are really "out there"??
Vince Martell
Tim Bogart
Carmine Appice
Mark Stein
Answer: The Pigeons
(also known as Vanilla Fudge)
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Somewhere Over The Rainbow
The rains come and go, mostly go this time of year. When they come, it gets nasty. Yesterday we got everything picked up, today there is another big limb down (without a storm.) Is my patience being tried by higher authority or is it simply the nature of pecan trees to be agrivating? Maybe it's both. Reguardless, I have no plans to cut up a limb when it is 95.2 outside.
Last time I tried to blog this thing, it sat in a loop for 15 minutes. I wonder if this time will be better??
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Dog Days of Summer
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Which way is the wind blowing???
Oh well, La in the summer.
Water should always be taken with other nutients, like dinner and supper.
Things melt in the heat. Health, Ice Cream, plastics, plastique??
It's amazing that people so soon forget the basics of life. The human body, while capable of surviving extensive changes in temperature and humidity, it is not meant to be exposed to those changes every day. And believe me, the older you get, the more you feel it.
You can beat the heat that is now, but will you beat the heat that is to come??
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Hot Hot Hot
Heat indicies are a fallacy much the dame as chill factor. there is only one dividing line. 60 degrees. below that it goes from cool to cold to ouch above it goes from ok to warm to hot to ouch also. If you get confused with it, stick your hand outside and feel the air. (If it comes back in wet that means it is raining, or as often happend here and in FLA a cloud has crash landed)
This kind of weather is the kind that makes people repeat themselves a lot also. So take care if you needs go to the outdoors. Drink plenty of fluids. (not beer or whiskey or anything else with alcohol as a major ingredient) Most carbonated drinks should be limited as well as who needs any extra gas. I think most nutritionist (not on UF's Payrole) would agree that plain old H2O is the best (though I can't really recommend the water from most city systems that have been "made safe to drink" with the addition of clorine")
In La. today it is HOT HOT HOT!!!!!!!!
Friday, July 07, 2006
Friday, whats a friday
More to come.....................................
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Can't Touch That
In La. on the 4th of July the temp this afternoon varied from 70ish to sauna in about 30 minutes. Not a good hair day for sure, but who really cares. We had about 90 people over for lunch and there weren't many leftovers.. Sorry e' touffee' couldn't even lick the pot.. Nothing left in the way of potato salad or bannana pudding. Accourding to Courtney (she's new to this game anyway) you have to load up first time through the line because seconds can get scarce quick.. And you exit the building via the dessert table. {I thought every one knew that??}
Sounds like the fireworks are done and the bugs are splatting againt the window so ya'll have a happy 5th tomorrow and don't forget to check under the bed.
No telling what you'll find there.....................
Thursday, June 22, 2006
In The Summertime
and that is in the swamps
poor people in the city with all that concrete around them.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
and round and round....
A rmy C orp(se) of E ngineers (in case you were wondering)
Monday, June 12, 2006
Round and Round
I watched a film yesterday about creationism vs evolution yesterday and one thing popped into my head. That is numbers aren't real, just a quantification of an observation. Math doesn't work as a reality, only as a concept. Space and time appear to have no limit (therefor infinite) and neither does mass (therefore infinite also). As any amount of matter or space (distance) or time can be infinitely divided or added to there is no possibility of real ends or beginnings to what is there, just awareness of the present. If we are aware of the present, then why do we worry about things past or future? The human experience is limited to the here and now, with a promise of future experience from the only one who can understand true existence, the Creator.
.Tuesday, June 06, 2006
More and More the amazment goes on.........
Ya'll get your boat ready now, you hear!
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Kan U Buleeve it
Hurricane season is near. Did you pack you emergency kit yet??????
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Sunday Morning
The problem is we don't often think enough before we put the mouth in gear. Not much we can do about it, or is there???
Can you name the tune in which the Grateful Dead state that Jesus loves you the best?
Do you remember who was known as "Wool Hat"?? Clue, think liquid paper......
Have you heard?
Do you live a life full of questions?
Are you another year older?? (linear or quantative???)
If you look for Satan in the music, the odds are you'll find him.
If you look for God, you may find Him also.
If you look for meaning in life in the music, you are looking in the wrong place, try again............
No if without a then
No life with a zen
If you live with the pigs
Then you are in the pen.
Take a bath, please............................
Random works best when left alone.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Thunder rumbles and Star Trek pixilates
Saturday, April 22, 2006
What's on your i-Pod?
Just me.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Good Grief (aka Rats!)
Rafter rat (and Rafter Boy)
Swamp Rats (of LA, Fla, Ga etc.)
Rat Washington (from my navy days)
Gutter Rat (from the world of BLOG)
So many rats running loose, as they should be. Rats wern't responsible for the plauge you know. It was the bugs. They are the ones who spread it around with their bites that irritate. Rats give the best warning if the ship is going to sink. That is why they run. But best of all, rats will remain low profiled if given the chance. We work better under the radar.
Look around, rats are everywhere......
The Louisiana Bayou Rat
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
The sun is shining and the rain is falling.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
East Hoboken
It is April 1st (All Fools Day) which means once again I must say Hi to all.
That's it.
Bye Now
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Wednesdays are fun
I picked my car up yesterday. It has been in the shop since the 1st of December while AIG (insurance company of the guy who caused the wreck) tried to make a decision. Wound up costing them over 11k on a car worth 12k. Makes no sense to me, but that's not unusual.....
Runs fine by the way..
almost 4 months - ridukkulus
inside joke there
Here it is, Wednesday, (the day, not the person) and I wonder what will happen next. The funerals are past and hopefully we'll have a couple of months before the next one. You get tired of them after a while, but we all will pass on eventually (unless of course the unmentionable One returns before then.) Many people are so clueless about what each day can mean, sometimes me included. We can stay in bed and do next to nothing (harming no one but ourselves) or we can get up and putter around the yard or sit at a table and drink coffee or perhaps write the great american novel or give a bottle of water to someone who needs one. Our options are as endless as our opportunities. We simply have to look for them.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
What a Weekend
Sunday, March 19, 2006
World View
Being a simple minded (as supposed by the "learned") and from the swamps where life may abound, but didn't start, many will disregard my opinion. So be it. They have the right. But as I have seen a bit of the world and been to places of power (natural and man-made) I have been left with the conclusion that this world is not an accident of nature but a creation of God. Did it take a week (well, six days?) I wasn't there to mark the calendar. Does it matter to me? No, I'll probably live out my 89 years without knowing for sure. I still won't be concered with how long it took to build. God did it and time is His servant, not He the slave of time. I am stuck here in linear time with few options about it, but I have no concern (even though my personal intent is to beat Bilbo's 134 years.) Ya'll have fun and come visit the swamps soon.... (hurricane season starts soon and I would recommend seeing the swamps before the next landfall in south central Louisiana)
Thursday, March 16, 2006
The Last of the Greatest Generation (Daddy's Side)
Peace, Long Life, and Prosperity
Saturday, March 11, 2006
The Life Cyle in the Swamp
Tings in the swamp have a natural up and down rhythm People come people go whether by moving or moving on as some say. Today is Jimmy's funeral, tomorrow is Rick's, Mrs Lucille isn't far from saying goodbye nor is Aunt Leona. But continuation is the key to nature. I believe in God and Jesus is His Son. I see His hand in the world and I see the freedom He gave us. Unfortunately Many take that freedom as license and fail to grasp that being free of God means being totally alone. God gives you the opportunity to do whatever you want, help a little old lady across the street, or murder 35 orphans in their sleep. You have that opportunity, but it is based in choice. Nothing we do is done without our choice, whether consciously or subconsciously. Every thing we do that is right as well as everything we do that is wrong. And every choice we make, good or evil, with forethought or without always, always has consequences. If you chose to kill, you face the consequence (now and/or later) If you choose to help the widows and orphans, again the consequences are now and/or later).